D 25. The potential energy is the energy an object has due to its a.) mass b.) motion c) position d.) weight C 26. 26. Which of the following quantities, when doubled, has the greatest effect on the amount of kinetic energy? a.) mass b.) size c.) speed A d.) weight 27. What happens to kinetic energy if mass is doubled? a.) doubled b.) the same c.) tripled d.) quadrupled C_28. Which of the following does the speed of sound wave depend? с a.) loudness b.) pitch c.) temperature d.) thickness A 29. Which factor does not affect the speed of sound? a.) density b.) distance c.) elasticity d.) temperature D_30. The reverberation of sound is used in a) megaphone b.) stethoscope c) trumpet d.) all of these 3_31. An echo occurs when a sound wave is a.) absorbed b.) reflected c) refracted d.) transmitted 32. Which phenomenon explains why sound is heard at longer distance at night than in day? a.) echolocation b.) reflection c) refraction d.) reverberation 33. When the direction of wave changes as it passes from one medium to another it is called a.) density b.) echo c.) reflection d.) refraction 34. What is the relationship of temperature to the speed of sound? a.) equal b.) no relationship c.) directly proportional d.) inversely proportional 35. It is the number of charges passing through a wire per unit time. a.) current b.) power c) resistance d.) voltage 36. What is the luni d.) Wass