1. Ideals.ua C. principles qadta A. antique 3. Symbol Ton bon.al zwodnisi lulitused emoz 9Wtua. (992) I. Multiple Choice: noitadele edt ni tisad vedr. (9 st) A. Encircle the synonym a of the correct answer.no, Osteen art.2 (og) quod ne 101 267 (vsieb) A. characters B. sentiments 2906 ani merr (diziv) 2. Sacred alisem uppiloto slovoritgning tanta od 1911.8 (169) zysis B. quite mit self gaitu. hallowed -itA (rigod) (920orlo) A. period 1970 B. mark todarlits Vsta c. question/T.00 4. bouquet elɔtionā.19Wstattoo art daigaitzib bae yllul9189 290191192 dt bov A. flower B. plant C. leaves 19was 1597105 9rt 5. Hardly nonnib guitse bedainit W. A. pliant B. vigorous C. conceited boil JORI on vs A Stolsdrio verlu bsH.S B. Encircle the antonym of the word. 119109 9loqa.a alsoqa A 1. drab uoYE Joy felton A. dull B. bright C.conceited bread ovat bluow. A 2. ardent 9 toted 1961 19V9n bol A. passionate B.zealous C. dying 832. 1992 3. glossy fiel yb691ls İST 9 Jud.m6 20:8 1s bevitis 9W A. rough C. fine bad 4. ability 9109d,oos srl ot ededguorli dos2 A. cleverness B. incompetence C. character need be 5. Exceptional 9 mit to ) bertoaigua adi yow bonisiqxo vbodo b.4. uncommon) bor B. unique 1990 ton 9vbr. C. ordinary Botsoilqmoy n99d t'mber.A bo W62 B. shiny ard 90 D60D