Can anybody please summarize and tell me what "Closing Remarks for 2010 African Green Revolution Forum" is? 

Sagot :

Let me start by thanking the government of Ghana for the excellent support and generous hospitality they have accorded to this first-ever African Green Revolution Forum. Let me thank my dear friend, former President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo for joining us. I also wish to express my deep appreciation to Prime Minister Peter Pinda of the Republic of Tanzania.My gratitude to the ministers from several countries, as well as the many business leaders, farmers, and civil societies, for joining us for these past three days.I take this opportunity to sincerely thank all the sponsors that made this unique Forum possible. I am honored that all of you accepted my invitation to this Forum.When I took on the task of chair of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, I knew we had to get a green revolution on its way. I think we have started doing that.However, for it to turn into a massive revolution that will impact many countries, and millions of farmers – for that is the only scale that matters – we need a movement behind us. I cannot do this alone.