and legibly.
1. Directions: Read the statements very carefully. Write the word "TRUE" if the statement is correct
and "FALSE" if the statement is wrong. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Use rolled towel or hand cushion in giving a manicure.
2. Don't bear the weight of the client's leg.
3. Use only the footrest to keep the foot at a workable level.
4. Client's arm weight will rest on the footrest.
5. As a nail technician, you cannot twist your chair to get closer to your work.
6. Develop a habit of keeping both feet on the floor to prevent the unbalanced compression.
7. You can improve your posture even without a cut-out in the desk by strengthening your core
8. The nail technician should roll her shoulders forward and the left arm is resting on the table
to have more compression on one side of the body than the other.
9. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is aa type of compression neuropathy caused by compression and
irritation of the median nerve in the wrist.
10. Ergonomics is the study of how equipment and furniture can be arranged in order that
people can do work or other activities more efficiently.
11. Pulled muscle is the effect of having repetitive motion in the muscles and joints.
12. It is important to work with sufficient light for safe and efficient task.
13. Working while resting the foot of client's leg on your lap helps you reduces your mobility to
be agile.
14. You should keep your back straight and supported while giving a pedicure service.
15. In giving manicure service, it is good to hold your client's hand while working.​