Identify the propaganda technique that is described in each of the following items. Write your answers on the line provided below the number.
1. This technique uses ordinary people in advertising orang something in doing so, the audience will think that if the product is good for these people, then it will also be good for them.

2. This is done through some form of threat, which may be emotional physical or even spiritual

3. This instills anxiety and panic in people.

4. To make the product or an idea acceptable, a symbol of respect, thony prestige is used to win the approval of the people.

5. The message that this propaganda technique gives is that if you use the product or if you follow the idea being presented, then, it will change your life

6. In this technique, you say bad things about your competition

7. A famous person who appears trustworthy is used to endorse a product

8. In this technique, the advertisers stress the positive qualities of a product and ignore the negative.

9. In this techniques a person of authority, an expert, or a celebrity is used to sell or gain the support of the public

10. The basic theme of this propaganda technique, Everyone else is doing it and so should you​