5. A fern benefits from the relationship while a branch of a tree is neither harm nefitted. What kind of interaction is this? A. commensalism B. mutualism C. parasitism D. predation Intionshin between two organisms, one organism is benefited while​

Sagot :




-This is an example of an commensalism in the relationship between the tree and the fern the fern is by having a place and gets enough nutrients since the tree branch isn't harmed or the fern this is Commensalism but we could tell this as competition if the organisms are competing or striving for survival

Types Of Interaction:


-It is a close relationship in which one or both organisms obtain a benefit


-It is an interaction in which one organism captures it and harm it or even eat it


-It is when organisms compete for the same

resources and can occur within or between species


-It is a close relationship in which one or both organisms obtain a benefit while other is unharmed


-A close relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life

Other Interaction:

type of interaction sign effect's:

mutualism +/+

commensalism +/0

competition -/-

predation & parasitism +/-