COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. It is the primary source of energy 2. These organisms can produce their own food 3. These organisms recycle organic materials into inorganic materials. 4. In a food chain, this organism gets the least amount of energy. 5. It is a symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit from each other. 6. It is a relationship where an organism eats another organism. 7. This happens when two organisms fight over A limited resource. 8. This refers to the nonliving things in the Ecosystem 9. These organisms only feed on plants. 10. These are the organisms that harm the host. a. Parasites b. Omnivores C. Third-order consumer d. Competition e. Sun f. Abiotic factors g. Mutualism h. Producers i. Herbivores j. Predation k. Decomposers​