what are the mechanism of human behavior?

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Mechanism of Human BehaviorI. IntroductionTo understand the nature of behavior, it is important to know the physiological mechanism of thehuman body.II. Definition of Terms1. Axon2. Brain Scan3. Cochlea4. Cones5. Cornea6. Eardrum7. Electroencephalogram8. Glands9. Hair Cells10. Iris11. Involuntary Muscle12.  Neurons13. Optic Nerve14. Oval Window15. Retina16. Rods17. Sclerotic Coat18. Synapses19. Tetany20. Voluntary MuscleIII. Receiving Mechanism or ReceptorsA. DefinitionDifferent sense organs of the body that receive the stimuli from the environmentB. K inds of Receptors1. Exteroceptors ± A person becomes aware of the color, shape, smell, taste, sound, heat2. Proprioceptors ± Situated in the linings of the tendons, muscles and joints3. Interoceptors ± Found in the linings of the respiratory, digestive and genital ± urinary tractsIV. The Eyes and Visual SensationA. DefinitionEyes give the sense of vision which allows one to see the world. One has to consider the stimulusthat produces vision which is light. The eyes react to light which causes Visual Sensation.B. Parts of the Eye1. Fovea2. Iris3. Lens4. Muscle controlling lens5. Optic Nerve 6. Pupil 7. Transparent Cornea8. Retina