how can i perform my roles in life effectively?

Sagot :

There are 7 important things to remember when performing roles in life effectively.

  1. Abiding or following the law of man and the law of God.
  2. Time management.
  3. Good character.
  4. Goal setting.
  5. Good communication.
  6. Listening and understanding.
  7. Self-discipline

In life, as a human being, you are entrusted with different  roles to perform such as son/daughter, husband/wife and Brother/sister. These  roles are important for you because these are part of your life. You need to do  each of those according to what role you have taken in life. In order to become  effective and successful in every role you are doing in life you should be a law-abiding citizen by following the law of man and the law of God.  

Every role you take is considered useless if you do not have  time management, like for example if your role is to clean the entire house and  to study your lesson and you do not organized your time, it turns out  everything in your life from cleaning to study will be messy.  

A good character is useful in performing effective roles in  life, it defines how you act on all things that surrounds you. It is how you  express attitude or behavior towards everything.

Performing effective roles in life always set a goal, you  need to identify each important things and prioritize them.  

Good communication, listening and understanding and  self-discipline are also important to do all roles in life effectively.  Choosing a wholesome word invites positivism and blessings, listening and  understanding oneself builds up strong relationship and harmony. Roles in life  cannot be achieved without self-discipline, everything in life need discipline  to become successful.

To know more about how to perform roles in life effectively

kindly visit this link below.

Here are some examples of roles in life.

  • Student
  • Parent
  • Worker
  • Citizen
  • Homemaker
  • Child

to know more about roles in life kindly follow the links
