The focal length of a slide projector’s converging lens is 10 cm.
a. If a 35 mm slide is positioned 10.2 cm from the lens, how far away must the
screen be placed to create a clear image?
b. If the height of a dog on the slide film is 12.5 mm, how tall will the dog’s image
on the screen be?
c. If the screen is then removed to a point 15 m from the lens, by how much will the
separation between film and lens have to change from part “a”?
di = -15 cm (negative b/c its virtual)
M = ¼ (must be smaller in diverg. lens)
hi = 2.5 cm (positive b/c its upright)
di = 5.26 cm or 52.6 mm (very close to primary focus)
hi = -1.316 cm (negative b/c its inverted)
To burn the paper, you must get a REAL image of the sun to form
on the paper. Since the sun is VERY far away, this image will
appear VERY close to the primary focus. Therefore, di = 20 cm.
di = 510 cm or 5.1m (far away from the film projector)
hi = -62.5 cm (film projectors make the object on the film BIGGER)
New do is 10.07 cm. Old do was 10.2 cm. The difference b/w the
two is .13 cm or 1.3 mm.