As an engaged citizen of the nation, how will you work together as a Filipino family in showing your love for the country?

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Every Filipino has the capacity to do their part as engaged citizens in working toward a better Philippines. How can we work together as one Filipino family in showing our love for our country?

In previous exhibits, we learned about democracy and the ways that it upholds the dignity of every Filipino citizen. While Martial Law was declared with the promise of a New Society, it also violated people’s freedoms, plundered the nation’s wealth, and corrupted institutions with effects we continue to feel to this day.

The success or failure of a country cannot depend on a single man. No matter who our leader is, every Filipino has the capacity to do their part as engaged citizens in working toward a better Philippines. How can we work together as one Filipino family in showing our love for our country?


As Filipinos, we are all recognized under the 1987 Constitution as having fundamental, inalienable rights. No matter who the leader is, we have a just claim to these rights. We also know that each basic right corresponds to an inherent responsibility. In our everyday lives, we strive to uphold these responsibilities as engaged citizens.

The first step to being able to embody these rights is knowing them. Once we know what our rights are, we are empowered to live out these rights and the responsibilities they entail. For each of our rights recognized under the Constitution, what do you think is our corresponding responsibility?