What is programming?

Sagot :

Programming is an act of developing and creating instructions for machines and computer to solve and execute a process.

A program refers to a set of codes and instructions made by programmer so a computer can perform a process, execute a task or compute complex computations. Programming refers to creation of programs. Since programs are instructions, codes are needed to be input and given to the machine in step by step.  

For example, you as a programmer was asked to develop a program that would display a line "Hello World" using Java. You must know which command to type to make the computer display. This command must be written in sequence. Take a look at the sample code below:  

public class Sample {

public static void main(String args[]){

System.out.println("Hello World");



The first line contains the name of the program.  

The second line is the main menu, meaning, when the program runs, it will look for this menu.

The third line contains the phrase, Hello World. The command to display it is "println". You must typed these codes using this structure and sequence to ensure that each process is executed sequentially as well. You cannot proceed to display without typing the program name first and the main function.

To know more about programming, read on the links below:

  • Meaning of programming : https://brainly.ph/question/646166
  • Types of programming language : https://brainly.ph/question/2217729