Zhulene61viz Zhulene61viz Technology and Home Economics Answered ARRANGED THE FOLLOWING STEPS OF CLEANING NAILS by writing AB C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J. A. A. Trim the cuticle. B. Remove old polish C. Loosen cuticle. D. Cleanse nails. E. Shape nails F. Soften cuticle. G. Apply hand massage. H Cleans under free edge I. Apply lotion J. Trim free edge 1. What is the first step, where a manicurist used acetone and cotton? 2. What is the next step, where manicurist shape to the nails? 3. What is the third step, where manicurist smoothen and level the nails? 4. What is the fourth step, where manicurist used cuticle remover? 5. What is the fifth step, where manicurist cleaning the nail plate? 6. What is the sixth sentence, where manicurist trimming the excess dried skin? 7. What is the seventh sentence, where manicurist spraying the nails? 8. What is the eighth sentence, where manicurist removing the dirt from the free edge? 9. What is the ninth sentence, where manicurist used cosmetic smoothen the skin? 10. What is the tenth sentence, where manicurist rendered additional service to give relaxation to the skin?