I.Identification.Write your answer on the space provided. 1 Under this concept the firm defines its target market and determine the needs, wants and values of the market 2 in this concept. The firm roduses the product then adapts a seling strategy designed to convince a group of perceived customers 3 Under this concept, the companies attempt to find interested buyers after producng the product refers to the person's unfulfilled needs 5. refers to thing or service that is required by human being for the health and well being of his body end mind 6 is the exchange activities conducted by individual or organization for the purpose of satisfying human wants and needs 7. the amount of money paid by the customer to the selling firm 8 it is what we called the tangible commodity or intangible service 9. The customer will make a repeat purchase and endorse the product, this process is called 10 the views opinions and benavior or owner persons omarmmes muence the purchasing oecision of the consumer 11._ It is the set of values beliefs, attitudes and behavior patiems shared by the members of society and transmitted to next generation 12 It refers to a group of people that are looked upon by concerned member when forming an attitude about particular topic 13 It refers to a group of people who have approximately in equal position as wewed by others by the society 14. one of the purchase situation which the decision in purchasing is based on the amount of money he has in pocket 15 It is derived from the reason why the consumer is making purchase 16 is a change in behavior occurring as the result of past experience 17 By using our sensory organ People act differently in choosing a product this factor is what we called 18. is a place where buyer and seller exchange goods and services upon an agreed once Organization that buy goods and services which they later sell at a profit. and services for the purpose of producing goods or services