1. Describe an insulator. *

A. Insulator can conduct electricity.

B. Insulator can conduct heat.

C. Insulator can conduct both electricity and heat.

D. Insulator cannot conduct electrictiy.

2. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat and electricity?

A. Copper wire

B. rubber

C. Coffee mug

D. thick plastic

3.Why insulator cannot conduct electricity?

A.because the particles inside it is not moving freely.

B. because the particles inside it can move and collide with each other.

C. because the materials are thick.

D. because the materials are thin.

4. Which part of screwdriver is an insulator?

A. tip

B. blade

C. shank

D. handle

5.Why the handle of screwdriver is made up of thick rubber or plastic?

A. to prevent slipping

B. to hold it easily

C. to make the screwdriver longer

D. to prevent the electricity to pass through​