what is science and technology ?

Sagot :

Science and Technology

The word science derives from the Latin term scientia, which means "to know." Science refers to an organized body of knowledge, which people have learned through the use of scientific processes. In addition, science is often described as any systematic field of study.

The application of scientific knowledge to practical purposes is called technology or applied science, Technology derives from the Latin words techne, which means "craft or skill" and logia, which means "study"

The study of science and technology is very important because it deals with the improvement of the quality of life.

An example of this is a tricycle or E-trike which to get rid off the effects of noise and air pollution.

Science and technology provide so much positive impact on our lives. However, their negative effects cannot be ignored. For instances, climate change, waste management, soil erosion, flooding, new diseases, and other health related problems are the consequences of the processes and products of science and technology. Aside from these threats to individuals and the surroundings, world related concerns are also present An example is the hole in the ozone layer of the atmosphere due to the chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) from aerosols and refrigerants. The issue on global warming, the rise in sea level around the world, the changes in climate patterns are other examples of environmental problems caused by some products and processes of science and technology.

It is now a challenge for humans like you, equipped with scientific knowledge and skills, to be able to decide wisely whether a particular process or product of science and technology can serve as a risk or a support to human lives.

For more info:

What is Science?

