Fill in the blank with correct answer. Write your answers in your answer sheet. 1. An empty place or surface in or around a work of art. It can be two dimensional, three fimensional, negative and/or positive. 2. The most basic element of art. Different things in art can be formed by the use of it. It is the track of a dot through a space. 3. The lightness or darkness of a color. 4. They are three-dimensional. They have height, width, and thickness. 5. It is what we see as light waves are observed or reflected by everything around us. 6. It refers to the way something feels or look as if they might feel something. 7. When line meets to form an enclosed area is formed. 8. It is a pigment added to any artwork to bring it to life and make it more attractive or visually appealing 9. They are building blocks of an art structure. 10. Its shape is found in nature like the shape of flowers, leaves, and the like.