Why is it important to recognize God with all our plans in life?

Sagot :

It is important to recognize God with all our plans in life because He is our Creator. God knows the best for us, therefore it is a wise decision to make decisions according to God’s will. In the book of Jeremiah 10:23, it is stated that "man cannot direct his own steps when walking". This is literally true in our footsteps. Also, human across ages is a lack in experience, wisdom, and understanding in making perfect decisions.

Making Wise Decisions

These are the ways that we can make wise decisions according to God’s standard:

  1. Constant prayer.
  2. Read the Bible daily.

Benefits of Honoring God’s Will

These are the benefits of honoring God’s will:

  • Living a happy and content life.
  • Develop a close relationship with God.

Learn more:

Importance of prayer​: https://brainly.ph/question/2230623

Is it Jehovah's God name? ​: https://brainly.ph/question/2204228

How important is the role of Mary in God’s plan of saving humanity?: https://brainly.ph/question/8813113
