A and b po patulong sana po please

1) Laptop is small in size while desktop is big in size.
2) Desktop is not portable while laptop is
3) Desktop only runs on main power supply while laptop can run on battery, AC supply and main power supply too.
4) In laptop, keyboard and mouse are in built while in desktop, keyboard and mouse are needed
5) Desktops has wide range of screen size while laptop is only limited.
The boss was busy. - Her secretary took a message.
A basketball player was traveling. - The referee called a penalty.
I flipped the light switch on. - The light came on.
When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils.
A tornado blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had to find another place to live.
Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work.
The moon has gravitational pull, consequently the oceans have tides.
Since school was canceled, we went to the mall.
John made a rude comment, so Elise hit him.
The meal we ordered was cheaper than expected, so we ordered dessert