Why circle or pie graph is good to represent a weekly allowance? Explain properly.

Sagot :

The circle or pie-graph is good to represent weekly allowance because it does not only show the total amount of money, the money you spent, and the money you saved, but, it also show the percentage of it. You can also set your total amount of money, and set how many percent of it should be taken for school, meals, shopping, entertainment, personal needs, savings, and many others. In short, you can manage your money well because there are percentages.
Pie charts are generally used to show percentage or proportional data and usually the percentage represented by each category is provided next to the corresponding slice of pie.

Pie charts are useful for displaying data that are classified into nominal or    ordinal categories.

∞Nominal data are categorized according to descriptive or qualitative information such as county of birth or type of pet owned.

∞Ordinal data are similar but the different categories can also be ranked, for example in a survey people may be asked to say whether they classed something as very poor, poor, fair, good, very good.

≈Don't copy this...The origin of this answer is within my wisdom and a little help of some books...


Hope it Helps