1. Ratification of the Philippine Constitution in order to address some of its flaws, is an example of examining political conditions of the society as an application of a. Symbolic interactionism c. Feminism b. Marxism d. Structural functionalism 2. Paintings is a form art that express feelings of the artist for a certain situation. Spoliarium by Juan Luna is an example of the sufferings of the Filipinos during the Spanish regime. Spoliarium is an example of Symbolic interactionism in the field of. a. Economics c. Culture b. Politics d. Religion 3. Which of the following is a Marxist view of political condition in the society? a. Culture reinforces issues of "privilege" groups and their status in social categories. b. The capitalists possess and controls the means for production, which prompts misuse because of the benefit intention. c. The power elites use the government to develop social policies that allow them to keep their wealth. d. Social structure as inherently unequal resulting from the differences in power based on age, class, education, gender, income, race, sexuality, and other social factors. 4. Which of the following tells about the application of Marxism on the economic condition of the society? a. See regulations and political contributions as a way of keeping people connected to the democratic process. b. Search for examples of communication between people and examine the perception of one-on-one connections, c. Examines communication patter, interpretation, and adjustment among individuals relative to the meanings of symbols. d. Concentrated on the mode of production in relation to the bourgeoisie who controls the means of production and proletarians who only work and don't claim control over the capital 5. Which of the following tells about the application of Symbolic interactionism on the socio-cultural condition of the society? a. Social scientists apply symbolic interactionism thinking search for examples of communication between people and examine the perception of one-on-one connections b. Conflict Theory explores the struggle between those in power and those who are not in power within the context of the struggle. c. Functionalists would see regulations and political contributions as a wav of keeping people connected to the democratic process d. Soriety is a universal social system comprises of structured and organized subsystems that are categorized by conforming existing norms.