A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. It is a plan or program detailing a range of physical exercises and the amount of time each starts
should be performed, used especially in gymnastics, where they are typically tailored to us!
a. Warm up
b. cool down C. exercise program
2. An exercise to increase the body's temperature to prepare the muscles to any sucsreding
strenuous activity
a. Warm up down cerercise program
3. This flexibility exercise is more appropriate in the cool down as they help muscles to relax, tel
muscles fiber and re-establish their normal range of movement
a. Warm up
b. static stretching dynamic stretching
4. This flexibility exercise prepares the muscles for active contraction
a. Warm up
b.static stretching cdramic stretching 4.
5. Which of the following is not a benefit of exercise program?
a. Increased muscular strength
c. improved balance
b. Increased money
d. better coordination
B. Classify the following. Write static or dynamic
1. Squats
2. Push up
2. Jumping jacks-
4 Overhead stretch-
5. Toe touch-