for female:how can you protectyourself this kind of violence​

Sagot :


Educate yourself on violence against women; learn the facts and the prevalence

Believe survivors

Contact your local legislators and political leaders and advocate for tougher laws against perpetrators of violence against women

Know that dating violence & sexual assault affects 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys by the time they are 18

Contact your local school board and ask them to address sexual harassment in schools

Speak out against all forms of violence

Question gender roles and assumptions

Respect and embrace diversity

Respect a person’s-even a child’s- right to say no

Respect your partner’s right to disagree or have their own opinion

Don’t blame victims, and reinforce that rape is never the victim’s fault

Strive for equality for everyone

Understand that putting boys and men down by calling them “ladies” and “girls” hurts everyone

Speak out against the media’s portrayal of violence

Learn how racism, sexism and homophobia are connected

Acknowledge that it does happen in your own community

Learn about power and control tactics

Attend Take Back the Night events

Ask permission before pursuing physical or sexual contact with someone

Realize that sexual violence is about power and control, not sex

Teach kids that respect is the minimum in a relationship, and lead by example

Advocate for victim’s rights

Ask your priest, rabbi, pastor, cleric, or spiritual leader to hold a special service to raise awareness and promote safety for victims and accountability for perpetrators.

Avoid engaging in, supporting or encouraging sexual harassment by speaking up when you see or hear it

Teach kids that violence will not solve problems

Know that most sex offenders aren’t strangers · 86% are known to their victim

Avoid making threats or using coercion and pressure to get sex

Be courageous; don’t be afraid to speak up for those who have lost their voice or dignity

Praise women and girls for something other than the way they look

Speak out against racist, sexist or homophobic jokes

Advocate for more youth violence prevention programs

Get others to speak out against sexual violence

Stop your sexual advances if the other person says no and encourage others to do the same

Avoid buying music that glorifies sexual violence and the objectification of women and girls

Urge your local radio stations to stop playing music that contains violent lyrics

Applaud others who speak out against violence and oppression

Invite a speaker from HAVEN to share with your class, work or community group

Pledge to never commit or condone acts of violence

Stop yourself or others from taking advantage of someone who is intoxicated

Make a decision to become an active bystander by speaking up and calling for help when necessary

Respect the choices victims and survivors make to survive

Encourage your local college and universities to offer prevention education to students


Work toward eliminating oppression of all kinds

Think globally and act locally

Hold perpetrators accountable for disrespecting their partners when you see it or hear it

Engage others in discussions about violence against women

Learn about healthy boundaries and don’t be afraid to voice your feelings in your relationship

Notice when someone invades your boundaries

Report it if you witness sexual harassment in your school or workplace

Post awareness materials in restrooms and break rooms for easy & confidential accessibility

Celebrate all aspects of masculinity, including compassion and sensitivity