d) 1/9, 4/9, 5,9
Similar Fractions refers to the fractions that have the same denominators. They are also called like fractions.
[tex] \frac{1}{3} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{2}{3} [/tex]
The following fractions in the example are similar fractions since they have the same denominators
In the choices, only Letter D has the same or alike denominators and the other fractions does not.
Dissimilar Fractions are the opposite of similar fractions. It refers to the fractions that have different denominators. They are also called unlike fractions.
[tex] \frac{1}{3} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{2}{5} [/tex]
The following fractions in the example are dissimilar fractions since their denominators aren't alike.
If we observe the choices in the question, Letter A, B, and C have different or unlike denominators. They are dissimilar fractions while Letter D is a similar fraction. The question asks for the similar ones so the answer is obviously d) 1/9, 4/9, 5,9.