what is the important of biogeochemicals

Sagot :

The importance of biochemicals is a cycle is a series of change which comes back to the starting point and which can be repeated. From the word "recycle" some natural resources can now be used again. Like examples :
The carbon cycle,
The nitrogen cycle,
The oxygen cycle,
The phosphorus cycle,
The sulfur cycle,
The water cycle,
And the rock cycle.

Biogeochemical processes in the ACE Basin study area can be considered on a variety of scales. A biogeochemical study on a relatively small scale, such as a mud flat, may focus on the effect of burrowing activity by polychaete worms on nitrogen fluxes (e.g., Kristensen et al. 1985). On the other hand, a study on a much larger scale, like that of the entire Edisto River watershed, may track the transformation of nitrogen through the aquatic food web. For instance, stable isotopes could be used to infer the contribution of nitrogen from wastewater treatment facilities upstream to the nitrogen found in estuarine organisms residing at the mouth of the Edisto River in St. Helena Sound, as has been done by McClelland et al. (1997) in the Waquoit Bay estuarine ecosystem. Both the mud flat and the watershed in these examples represent ecological systems (ecosystems).