Sagot :
Topography is the study of the land forms and water forms of each country. It also studies the land structure of each country by means of a top-view observation.
mapping of surface features:
the study and mapping of the features on the surface of land, including
natural features such as mountains and rivers and constructed features such as
highways and railroads
area's features: the
features on the surface of an area of land
description of structure:
a study or detailed description of the various features of an object or
entity and the relationships between them
-to·pog·ra·pher, noun
-top·o·graph·ic [tòppə gráffik], adjective
-top·o·graph·i·cal [tòppə gráffik'l], adjective
-top·o·graph·i·cal·ly Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-to·pog·ra·pher, noun
-top·o·graph·ic [tòppə gráffik], adjective
-top·o·graph·i·cal [tòppə gráffik'l], adjective
-top·o·graph·i·cal·ly Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.