Why do you think are there different colors emitted?

Sagot :

Why do you think are there different colors produced?

The five main causes of color are the following:

  1. Vibration and simple excitations - Colors are seen when an object is heated to successively higher temperatures. The lights emitted composed of photons given off by electrons, atoms, and molecules when part of their thermal vibration energy is produced as radiation.
  2. Transitions involving ligand field effects – these colors are seen in transition-metal compounds like turquoise chrome-oxide green and impurities like ruby, emerald.
  3. Transition between molecular orbital – it explains the colors of organic compounds like indigo, chlorophyll, and charge-transfer compounds blue sapphire, lapis lazuli.
  4. Transitions involving energy bands - are involved in colors of metals and alloys like gold, brass of semiconductors.
  5. Geometrical and Physical optics – this type of  colors derived from dispersive refraction like rainbow, green flash, scattering the blue sky, blue eyes, red sunset.  

Different colors are emitted depending on their frequency. We can noticed and see colors because they are considered visible light waves each color either has low or high frequency waves like for an instance   red has low frequency waves, and violet has high frequency waves. Our eyes can easily  see color because of protons, (, or light particles) are normally absorbed by things. Colors ear when certain wavelengths in the visible spectrum of light are bouncing from a certain material, and hits the eyes. This in turn will triggers one of our cones (which are cells in the eyes) that determine what color it is. So when we look at  a red apple, It is because all of the other colors in the visible light spectrum are absorbed by the apple, except red.  

Colors come to our eyes from objects due to the following:

  • Emmission
  • Reflection
  • Transmission
  • Interference
  • Dispersion
  • Scattering

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