If the population species of a given area is doubled,what effect would this have or the resources of the community?

Sagot :

Measuring Population Density

  • When the population doubled than it should be, there will an imbalanced ecosystem. There will be changes in population density and possibly, an extinction. The size of population vary among organisms. They can be the same size, but with different densities. Population density is when we consider the number of individuals per unit area.
  • The population size changes when new members move in the ecosystem, they decrease the same way when members move out. Birth rates and death rated can also affect the size of population. Any environmental conditions that limits the size is called limiting factors. While the maximum population size it can support is called carrying capacity.
  • If the population exceeds the carrying capacity, organisms die because they cannot meet all their needs. When species of population decreases that only few remain, these species are endangered. When it declines so fast becoming endangered, the species are threatened. Likewise, extinction happens when the last member of the species dies.

Key Concepts:

  1. Population
  2. Population density
  3. Limiting factor
  4. Carrying capacity
  5. Endangered
  6. Threatened
  7. Extinction

Why is there extinction? https://brainly.ph/question/384980

Understanding population density:


Understanding what is carrying capacity:
