What great deed did king arthur achieve as he live his life? What was this greatest legacy?

Sagot :

Well-known as a medieval and mythological figure who became the ruler of the land Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table, the name King Arthur has been very famous in the past decades. Many scholars are still arguing about the possibility that he may or may not existed at all! Some scholars would say that he is real as shown in some engraved stones in Britain, but some scholars would also say that King Arthur was created as a fictional character to embody the different great leaders.


But what good deeds were done by King Arthur making him leave a lasting legacy? Here are the possible answers.


1.    His goodness as a person and as a leader is a manifestation of our ideals. We want to have someone as good as him to lead the land, we want someone as selfless as him to fight for us, and we want to have a King Arthur in the middle of us. His legacy of character and goodness makes him very ideal for us not only as a leader but more of as a savior.


2.    King Arthur propagates the transmission of culture. He had given high importance in the value of sharing their history and of their culture so that future generation will have something to look back as an example.


You may also read about the details of the life of King Arthur in these links:





Thank you! :)