Sagot :
- These are action verbs that have an object.
The object or direct object is the receiver of the action. It can be a noun or a pronoun.
My mother taught my friends how to bake cookies.
- Action verb? taught
- Object? friends (noun)
Yesterday, we caught a deer in the forest.
- Action verb? caught
- Object? deer (noun)
She invited her to my house without me knowing it.
- Action verb? invited
- Object? her (pronoun)
Wayne warned you about that.
- Action verb? warned
- Object? you (pronoun)
- Are action verbs that have no object instead, they are followed by an adverb or a prepositional phrase.
She came early
- Action verb? came
- Receiver of the action? None
- Followed by what? early (adverb)
The man waited here for an hour.
- Action verb? waited
- Receiver of the action? None
- Followed by what? here (adverb)
The boy sat on the bench.
- Action verb? sat
- Receiver of the action? None
- Followed by? on the bench (prepositional phrase)
Sheila slept under the bridge.
- Action verb? slept
- Receiver of the action? None
- Followed by? under the bridge (prepositional phrase)