why is the story entitled the soul of the great bell

Sagot :

Soul of the Great Bell


The story of the Great Bell by Lafcadio Hearn was a Chinese Folktale. The son of Heaven Yong-Lo demanded that he has to have a mighty bell that will be heard from all over the City of Pe-king. He ordered his worthy official Kouan-Yu to make the arrangements. He then gathered the finest molders and bell smiths  to make a giant bell for Yong-Lo. The builders started melting gold, brass, silver, and iron for the effect it produces on the bell’s sound.

But after a few days of making it, when the builders were about to combine all parts of the bell. The iron, gold, brass, and silver refuses to be brought together.

After all the labor they had done without result the son of Heaven became impatient and sent a letter to Kouan-Yu. It says that in the third day of non-obedience to his demands will result for his head. Kouan-Yu’s daughter Ko-Ngai saw the letter and asked for help to an astrologer to help his father. Ko-Ngai did this because:

  • She loved his father so much
  • She refuses to do nothing when her father’s life is in danger
  • She wants to help and ease his father’s problem

Ko-Ngai then found a solution, the astrologer said that only the blood of a virgin maiden may unite the elements for the bell. And so, she sacrificed herself and jumped to the melting alloys. Which resulted for the bell to be perfect and beautiful in many ways.

Why was it titled Soul of the Great Bell?

In the making of the Great Bell for Yong-Lo, a blood of a virgin maiden was required. And in the story the maiden who sacrificed her life was that of pure soul and golden heart. The soul of Ko-Ngai was perished out of her love for her father’s life. And therefore, combined itself with the body of the Great Bell and the soul in the title is Ko-Ngai’s.

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