what do tortoise eat?

Sagot :

They eat wide variety of plants including fruits, vegetables, flowers and grasses.
Diet: The Greek tortoise is strictly herbivorous. They require a high fiber, low protein and calcium rich diet. Dark leafy greens such as kale, dandelion, mustard, collard and turnip greens should be fed regularly. Natural grasses and hays can also be provided. High protein foods such as commercially prepared dog and cat food and beans should be avoided at all costs since this will eventually cause renal failure due to the excessive protein. Fruits can be given sparingly since too many fruits will result in diarrhea and other health issues. If calcium supplementation is required try to use pure calcium carbonate. The bone of the cuttle fish can also be used and is commonly found in pet shops for calcium supplementation for birds. 

Fresh water should be offered at all times in a shallow dish. Your tortoise will also appreciate a 10-minute soak in a shallow bath water to ensure proper hydration.