chloride and water. Its composition and therefore its properties are not fixed. Gasoline is not a substance.
It is a mixture of hydrocarbons and, depending on the composition of the gasoline mixture, gasoline's
properties can vary.
Properties of Pure Substances
Has a fixed composition
Cannot be separated into simpler substances by physical changes
Only changed Chemically
Properties do not change.
● Water is a pure substance
Directions: Identify if the following based on the given property. Write substance if it manifest a property of
a substance, Not a substance if it does not.

1. Chloride, an element has is fixed composition.
2. A brine can be separated physically through a process called distillatilation.
3. Halo-halo is made up of more than 2 component.
4. Carbon dioxide, is made up of carbon and oxygen bonded chemically.
5. an element, after bonding don't change its properties.
6. Bleach is made up of 2 or more components that can be separated physically.
7. Gold has a fixed composition.