Activity 1. Men Behind Forces Objective: To be able to understand the timeline of the significant development of the concepts of force and motion. Material: pen Procedure: 1. Read the text below. Motion has been studied for centuries by many great minds. Aristotle (284-322 B.C.) for example, believed that a moving object needs a continuous application of force to keep it moving. To him, an object is naturally at rest. He believed that the greater the force on the object, the greater is its speed. He introduced the idea of impetus that keeps a body in motion. John Philoponus (550 A.D.) conceptualized the idea of surrounding force similar to inertia found in Galileo's idea and Newton's First Law of Motion. He first introduced "Theory of Impetus", a concept similar to force. According to the theory, when impetus decreases, the speed of the object also decreases. When that impetus is removed, the object stops moving. Jean Buridan (1300 1358) also saw impetus as the cause of movement. He further developed the "Theory of Impetus" introduced by Philoponus. According to him, motion is possible through a "mover" that​