Sagot :
Greetings, my name is (ur name) but everyone calls me (nickname) I am a 2nd-year Business Economics student from Mongolia (example) . I have been given the opportunity to share how a Tokyo International Student living in Japan is dealing with this drastic change the world is facing due to Covid-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 has been hard on all of us, and getting used to a new way of living does come with its challenges. One of the important things for us at TIU, has been to keep the TIU community and spirit going, and do our best to support and enrich the lives our student body.
We have asked our students to share their experiences studying at TIU during COVID-19, and this is what they had to say.
We all know the effects the pandemic had on the world economy as well as how people function in society. Without a doubt, the pandemic has caused difficulties for everyone, affecting their lifestyles, work, school and how they interact with others. As for a university student living in Japan, I would like to express that the situation is not as dire as other parts of the world. The way that the Japanese government is dealing with Covid-19 is admirable, the fact that the government is not forcing harsh restrictions, rather enforcing that people go through the necessary daily interactions whilst keeping everyone safe. On top of that, the Japanese culture of respecting others' health and safety clearly shined during this pandemic. Japanese people, even before Covid-19, wear masks commonly in order to avoid any possible transmission of diseases. So when the Covid-19 hit, the Japanese population was ready and the fact that everyone is wearing a mask makes it way less worrisome.
I for one, have been at peace living in japan during this difficult time as Tokyo International University has switched to an Online teaching system which has been way more effective than I expected. Japan has kept everything calm and peaceful as the people are informed about the latest Covid-19 news but there is no panic within the country. If I were to be somewhere else in the world, I would have to live in quarantine with countless restrictions which would probably affect my mental state. The support for students from both the university and the Japanese government has been exceptional. If a pandemic similar to Covid-19 ever happens again, I am confident that TIU and Japan will be able to keep everyone safe.
staying at home, online classes and following safety protocols