Learning Task 9: Copy and accomplish the Learner's Information Sheet in your notebook. Be guided by the instructions provided for each item. 1. Write your full name in print, first name first. First name includes your second name, if you have any. Middle Initial means only the first letter of your middle name. Last name refers to your surname or family name. Example: JUANA B. DELA CRUZ 2. Write your school name; then, opposite to it is your Learner Reference Number. 3. Write your grade and section. Then, encircle your gender or sex. 4. In writing your birthday, follow the format: day/month/year. 5. For the place of birth, indicate the town or city and the province. 6. Write the telephone number. If not available, you may write your cellphone number instead. If there's no telephone or cellphone, write N/A for not applicable. 7. Write the names of your mother and your father the same with how you have written your name. Opposite of your parents' names are their occupations. 8. Write only the number of brothers and sisters you have. 9. Write the name and address of your previous school. If are enrolled in the same school, you still have to write it. 10. Supply the data on your special skills or talents. Lastly write N/A for "not applicable' in the blanks which do not apply to you. Please print legibly. Use capital letters. Name School First Grade and Section Birthdate Aplaya Elementary School Santa Rosa City, Laguna LEARNER'S INFORMATION SHEET Middle Initial Day Month Year Home Address : Number of Brothers School Last Attended Number Street Barangay Telephone /Cell phone Number Father's Name Mother's Name LRN: Sex (Encircle) MALE FEMALE Birthplace Last Town/City Province Town/City Province Occupation Occupation Number of Sisters Name and Address PIVOT 4A ABARION​