1. Your sister wore your new blouse without your permission. She has done this again and again, and you just keep ignoring the wrong deed, after all, she is your sister. Would you rather keep silent about it or tell her that she should first ask for permission since it is not good to take anything without the owner's approval? You know you will hurt her feelings once you tell her how you really feel about the situation. Why did you choose your answer?​

Sagot :





For me, it's better if I tell him his wrong doing because it's bad to take something without the owner's permission, because if I stay silent and don't say anything about it, s/he might do the same to others and s/he won't realized his wrong doing. I know I will hurt his feelings and if possible I don't want to hurt his feelings but it's also for his own good, because it's better if s/he ask for permission first than if s/he just takes it without excuses, because I will also allow him to borrow my things as long as s/he ask my permission first.



