1.The intersection of sets can be denoted using the symbol '∩'. As defined above, the intersection of two sets A and B is the set of all those elements which are common to both A and B. Symbolically, we can represent the intersection of A and B as A ∩ B.
2.A universal set is the collection of all objects in a particular context or theory. All other sets in that framework constitute subsets of the universal set, which is denoted as an uppercase italic letter U. The objects themselves are known as elements or members of U.
3.The complement of a set is the set that includes all the elements of the universal set that are not present in the given set. Let's say A is a set of all coins which is a subset of a universal set that contains all coins and notes, so the complement of set A is a set of notes (which do not includes coins).
4.The size of a finite set (also known as its cardinality) is measured by the number of elements it contains. Remember that counting the number of elements in a set amounts to forming a 1-1 correspondence between its elements and the numbers in {1,2,...,n}.