Learning Area MATH Learning Competencies Illustrates the different properties of operations on the set of integers. WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN Learning Tasks WEEK 4 Accomplishing the following: INTRODUCTION: To introduce the properties of operations, recall the rules of integers from the previous lessons. Do Activity 1 on task sheet by filling in the blanks by the sum or the products of numbers. DEVELOPMENT: Study illustrative examples from 1-7 and the definition of terms on pages 24 to 26 to find the principal root of the given number, and identify whether the number is rational or irrational. ENGAGEMENT: Complete the statement on task sheet, Activity 2 and determine the properties applied in each statement. ASSIMILATION: To do Activity 3 on task sheet, identify the property being used in the given situation then express the statement in mathematical form. Mode of Delivery MODULAR DLM Retrieval and Distribution of Modules and Answer sheets on site (wait for schedules)