list down 5 things you want to learn and change about yourself?​

Sagot :


1. Change your priorities

This is important if you want to live a balanced, fulfilling life. Many people are successful in their career but don’t have good relationships with their spouse or family because of wrong priorities. They put things like money and reputation above their relationships. Don’t let it happen to you. You should put relationships as your top priority.

Another important point is to put your passion above money. When you encounter a situation in your life where you must choose between money and passion, choose passion. Having a fulfilling life is more important than having a lot of money.

Action list:

Make (not find) time for your loved ones. Allocate certain blocks of time for your loved ones and defend them ruthlessly.

Find the intersection between what matter to you and your personal strengths. You may want to make one list for each and find similar items in both lists. These are your passions you should focus on. Then make time for them. Aim to develop your competences so that you can provide value to others.

2. Change your self-talk

Your self-talk has significant influence in your life. When you say that something is bad, you will – either consciously or not – develop a negative attitude toward it. Look at these statements:

I hate doing this.

I’m not creative.

The situation is too difficult to solve.

Can you feel how such statements influence your attitude? You won’t have positive, winning attitude with this kind of self-talk. The opposite is also true. When you say that something is good, you will develop a positive attitude toward it. Compare the previous statements with these:

I love it!

I’m creative and talented.

The situation is challenging and fun to solve.

Can you feel the difference?

Action list

Watch your mind closely. What does it say about something or someone?

Is it negative? If the answer is yes, find a different angle and craft a positive statement in your mind.

Speak out the positive statement in your mind,

Next time when you encounter the negative self-talk again, quickly replace it with the positive one.

3. Change your motivation

Motivation is the reason why we do things. It gives us the power to move and work. You can significantly change the way you do things simply by changing your motivation.

I like to see motivation through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. There are eight levels of needs there (from the lowest to the highest): physical, security, belonging, esteem, learning, aesthetic, self-actualization, and transcendence. Our motivation is always to meet one or more of these needs. The way to change your motivation is to upgrade your motivation to higher levels in the hierarchy. For example, if your motivation to work is money (which resides in either physical or esteem level), you can upgrade it to helping others (transcendence level).

Action list

Read Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Find at what level your motivation currently is.

Look at higher levels and for each of them imagine how it will be like to work with that motivation.

Take one or two that resonate with you and set them as your new motivation.

Replace your self-talk. If previously you say to yourself “I do this because I want to (low-level motivation)”, change it to “I do this because I want to (higher-level motivation)”. For example, replace “I do this because I want to earn money” with “I do this because I want to help people.”

Act as if you already internalize your new motivation. Continuing the example in previous point, act as if you genuinely want to help others.

4. Change your habits

Is there any bad habit that holds you back? If the answer is yes, then you should break the bad habit and replace it with a good one. For instance, perhaps you have the habit of rising late. But – since many people testify that early morning the most productive time – that means that you lose the most productive time of the day. You can get better results simply by replacing the old habit with a new habit of rising early.

Action list

Take one new habit you want to build and do it every day for at least 30 days without fail.

Find people to share your progress with. Accountability will make it much easier for you to adopt the new habit.

Reward yourself along the way. It will motivate you to move forward.

5. Change your friends

Changing your friends doesn’t mean discarding your current friends. No, what I mean here is you should change the friends who influence you or, in other words, your close friends. Find close friends who can encourage, equip, and challenge you to move to the next level. If your friends currently do not meet this criterion, find new friends who do. Interact with them and you are more likely to come out as champions in life. Remember, winners breed winners.

Action list

Join a professional organization in your field.

Join a good social organization (for example, a church) to meet positive people in your area.

Join an online forum in your field or a field you are interested in.


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