D Learning Task 2: Using a dictionary, choose the letter of the correct guide words for each word. Write your answers in your notebook. 1. pool a.play-police b. poem-pot c. prosper-pull d. porpoise-pont 2. save a.saint-salve b. salt-saute 3. jump a.June-just b. join-juice a.waste-weep b. watch-wax 4. wash 5. dawn a. dash-day 6. monkey a. money-monk b. mole-mount 7. compress a. counter-crust b. copper-comer b. dart-date c. same-say c. judge-jug c. wad-wait c. daze-dent c. moon-most d. more-move d. saw-see d. joke-juniper d. wash-water d. damper-David c. compare-comprise d. compute-courage