11. It is based on a news article and is often persuasive in nature where you can make a stand and express an opinion and reaction about the news, topic or issue involved. * 1 punto a. editorial article b. news article c. sports article
12. An editorial article has ___________ parts. * 1 punto a. two b. three c. ten
13. The ___________________________ part of an editorial article that contains a brief information about your topic. It is based on facts usually derived from news and current event. * 1 punto a. introduction b. body c. conclusion
14. The _________________________ part of an editorial article that explains the things to be considered or the facts about your stand and contains the arguments. * 1 punto a. introduction b. body c. conclusion
15. The _____________________ supports your argument with facts, research or anecdotes. * 1 punto a. clues b. evidence c. facts