In terms of pollutive properties, which among the three fuel resources (Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas) pollutes the most? Explain your answer

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with the ultimate source off any type off energies in Earth At the ultimate source off, we need to win the answer about three off the energies. That is a nursing cool oil on. Good. So the ultimate source off energy in cool. Oh, on DDE Good. He is those son. Okay, this is the the thing that creates all these and ultimate so ultimate source of energy is the sun. Now what do we call energy from wood Renewable but energy from coal on all not legal. So a renewable on non being able are innumerable on DDE nor nevel. Inner Aziz, uh are your friend's safety on the basis? Oh, time they take for Crewdson. This is the time it takes for a person. Oh, our little right. Cleanest it is. Could be a visual for this. Now, if you talk about good, uh, can be grown easy, me or lust right? So calling renewable where, as if you talk about oil are cool They take millions off here to get greased. So called none. We knew it. All right, so this answers given question