Match the statements in Column A with the terms they describe in Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on a blank. COLUMN A COLUMN B A. atmosphere 1. It is the primary source of life- supporting and life-protecting gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and ozone. B. chlorofluorocarbons C. deforestation D. global warming 2. The process of replanting an area with trees. E. greenhouse effect F. ozone G. ozone depletion 3. It is the gradual thinning of Earth's layer in the upper atmosphere. H. ozone hole I. ozone layer 4. It refers to too much cutting of trees that contributes to global warming. J. recycling K. reforestation 5. It allows more harmful ultraviolet rays to reach the earth's surface and harm the people, plants and animals. 6. It is the process by which heat is trapped into the atmosphere by carbon dioxide. 7. It is the abnormal rise of the Earth's temperature. 8. It is a shield that surrounds the earth. 9. They are found in refrigerants, plastic foam insulations, propellant for spray cans, perfumes, and insecticides that destroy the ozone layer. 10. It is a form of an oxygen molecule combination with three atoms of oxygen.​