Mul Identification: Write the word/s being described by the statement or question. Write your answer on the space provided before the number. Refer your answer to the listed words inside the box. Conserve renewable resources Eclipse Amihan Equator Latitude Habagat Lunar eclipse Solar eclipse Sea breeze Land Breeze Longitude Monsoon Nonrenewable resources Troposhere 1. To preserve, or to avoid wasteful use. 2. The imaginary line circling the Earth halfway between north and south poles. 3. Imaginary lines on a map or that globe that measure distance in degrees north or south of the equator. Lines extends horizontally, from east to west on a globe. 4. Imaginary lines on a map or globe that measure distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian. Lines extends vertically, from pole on a globe. 5. A natural resource such as coal, gas or oil that once consumed, cannot be replaced. 6. These are organic natural resources which can be replenish. 7. Known as the northeast monsoon draws "cold, dry air" from Siberia, China and Japan. 8. Known as southwest monsoon in the Philippines. It is characterized by hot and humid weather, frequently heavy rainfall, and a prevailing wind from the west. 9. It is the seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and Southern Asia, blowing from the southwest in summer and from the northeast in winter. 10. It is the layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth's surface, where all weather phenomena takes place. asmoo solo apr ar 11. It is the partial or complete blocking from view of one object by another. 12. It occurs when the moon moves through Earth's shadow at full moon. 13. Moon casting a shadow on Earth and blocking our view of the sun. 14. The moving of air or wind from sea to land during daytime. 15. The moving of air or wind from land to sea during night time.​