Activity 3. Multiple Choice

Directions Encircle the letter of the correct answer

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are significant accessories in Katus with, each costume ing

B. Anklets

C. Mask

its typa

A Bracelet

3. Face painting is also one of the most iconic parts of C. Peking Opera

A Bunrolu

B. Kabuld

4 It is the Japanese drum festival

A Chinese New Year Festival B Kodo Taiko Drum Festival

C. Dragon Festival

D. Wayang Kult

D. Balinese Dance Festival

5. are significant in a festival or theater art, they complement and motivate the character, helping the actor feel more the part and setting the scene.

A Costume

B. Props

C. Stage design D. Music

6. Multiple levels of articulations in the face, eyes, hands, arms, hips, and feet coordination reflect layers of percussive sounds. Identify the festival described

A Chinese New Year Festival B. Taiko Drum Festival

C. Balinese Dance Festival

D. Peking Opera

7. Balinese dance movements are associated with rhythms and produced by

A Gamelan

B. guitar

8. The shadow puppets in Thailand are,

A Leather Monkey Show

B. Nang

C. piano

D. orchestra

C. Togalu Gombeyaata

D. Wayang Kulit

9. The puppeteer of Java, Indonesian is called,

A blencong B. dalang

C. gawang

D. Kothak

10. It's a traditional Chinese dance often during the Chinese New Year celebration This dance with a basis on a mythical creature believed by the Chinese people A dragon dance B lion dance C snake dance D. Ball dance​