DAY 7 TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement it true and F if the statement is incorrect. Four Components of Plated Desserts 1. The main item can be anything such as a slice of pie, mini tart, a cluster of cookies, custard 2. The product should weigh between three and five ounces but it is not usual for it to weigh as much as 12 ounces. 3. The main item should be large that is overwhelming. 4. Plated desserts should have up to three sauces each. 5. The sauces should be able to hold their own shape. 6. A crunch component is an added component that adds a crunch to the dessert. 7. Crunch component enriches the dish and makes the flavour of the dish more enjoyable from the first bite up to the last. 8. The follings is the final component of a plated dessert. 9. A garnish that is over used loses its effect and can ruin a dessert 10. Use garnish that is not edible.​