A. 1.Which among the following careers belongs to emergency medical services? A. Epidemiologist B. Psychiatrist C. Paramedic D. Social Worker 2.What health career pathway specializes in out-of-hospital medical care? A. Dental Health B. Mental Healthcare C. Emergency medical care D. Nutrition 3.What health career pathway focuses on communicable and non communicable diseases? A.Community healthcare B. Environmental Healthcare management C. Disease prevention and control D. Personal healthcare 5.What health career pathway deals with complex public health issues that affect women, children, and their families? A. Community healthcare B. Maternal and childcare C. Drug prevention and control D. Nutrition 6.Which is not a sample career under mental health care? A. Marriage and family therapist B. Psycologist C. Paramedic D. Nutrition 7.Which health career is not included in environmental health care management? A. Air pollution analyst B. Community health educator C. Environmental Health worker D. Environmental Health inspector