Write TRUE if the statement is true. If the statement is False, change the underlined word/s and write the correct answer/s on the space provided before each number (1pt, each)
1. Social dancing improves the quality of your emotional life.
2. Dance mixers are dances wherein the performers exchange parts throughout the performance.
3. The more time you spend dancing with your partner the more speed you will build.
4. Cha-cha-cha is a dance included in the category of a modern standard.
5. Social dance can be seen as a venue to educate past generations on how to participate in society.
6. Dance mixers and social dances are included in the wider type of ballroom dances.
7. Social dance is meant to entertain a paying audience.
8. Somehow social dancing is part of the social culture in the Victorian Era
9. The purpose of social dance is to conceptualize, celebrate tradition and educate.
10. There are a set of rules and guidelines in navigating the social dimensions of dancing referred to as dance etiquette.
11. In social dancing the female must act as the leader on the dance floor.
12. Social dancing increases interaction and enhances the functioning of the mind.
13. The origin of social dancing was started in Europe during 14th-16th century.
14. Tango has its origin in Spain and is considered a Latin American dance.
15. Waltz strictly follow the open-embrace position with their partner.​