Activity 2 Modified True or False Read each sentence carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If false, rewrite the sentence to make it correct. _______1. Organisms under Domain Eukarya have prokaryotic cells – cells with no true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. _______2. Kingdom Protists include organisms such as amoeba, paramecium and euglena. _______3. Fungi are autotrophs that can manufacture their own food. _______4. Plants are heterotrophs that cannot make their own food. _______5. Animals are highly motile organisms, heterotrophic in nature and can reproduce sexually and asexually (for some insects). _______6. Trees are classified under Kingdom Plantae for they are autotrophs. _______7. Mushroom is an example of organisms under the plant kingdom. _______8. Entamoeba histolyca, an organism that belongs to Kingdom Protista is known to cause amoebiasis in humans when ingested in drinking water. _______9. All organisms under Domain Eukarya are multicellular. _______10. One importance of fungi is that it is used in making penicillin.